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What is Channeling or "Inspired Speaking?"

Channeling is a process of accessing information or energy that is not normally available to the conscious mind.


This method is not necessarily just a practice of mediumship. Mediumship focuses on channeling messages from the deceased or from other realms of consciousness. The definition of channeling is even broader than that. We all channel every day when we suddenly have inspiration, or when we help a friend by speaking from our hearts. Channeling is the process of bringing through the energy of our True Selves, or what some call ‘God’ in its many forms. Sometimes, those many forms include the wise guidance of spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and other loving beings. As we channel, we integrate body, mind, and spirit into the Wholeness that we are.


Communication takes place in a different energetic frequency - one that exists between the human earthly dimension, and a dimension where a non-physical intelligence resides or exists. 


The process of each contact experience can be transmitted very differently, based on the intuitive's preferred methods of training.  Some are in a trance the entire time that they are channeling (eyes closed, sometimes speaking with a foreign accent and entirely different tone of voice). There are also individuals that are able to consciously facilitate communication (eyes open, lucid and aware) as though they are just having a conversation with the sitter. This latter form of verbal-relay  is known as Inspired Speaking - which is my current form of translation and communication.


While not everyone deliberately receives infinite intelligence and translates it into words, that experience is not unlike many common occurrences in daily life.  At the heart of intuition is the ability to open up to something more than the limited human self. This often happens in countless ways for many of us;  and is often easy to recognize in creative expressions like writing, painting, dancing, and all artistic outlets.  Such creativity is also frequently referred to as "inspired" when it objectively seems to come from a positive, much grander viewpoint.  These may seem like frivolous examples, but they illustrate that Channeling is merely allowing that aspect to express freely flow through us, and it really is a very normal thing.


I have willfully chosen to take on this work as part of my path of highest potential.  I continue daily to  put in the time and effort to hone this ability and further sharpen the outcomes.  When I take the time to  go within and connect with this energy, there is never a negative experience.   It is my dominant intention to be able to share these higher awareness experiences with anyone seeking to learn more.


An important note about this type of work - these methods of connection can work in both a positive and a negative fashion.  Proper training is absolutely necessary in order to ONLY connect with entities that come from light energy of the highest and greatest good (The Collective).  If you do not properly ground yourself and prepare for these experiences by creating a sacred and protected space, it is possible that anything can come through. I only ever connect with loving and compassionate entities by always beginning with setting the intention to do so. They can come through as Angels, Ascended Masters, and even benevolent Extraterrestrials (Yes - there ARE INDEED loving other-worldly beings that are telepathic, compassionate, and fully intent on communicating with us, sharing their knowledge and technology - which will ultimately assist humanity in its  spiritual growth and evolution). 


My personal experiences have solidified my obligation in this physical lifetime to be a compassionate, accurate resource for spiritual growth and development - and to serve as an ambassador for Galactic peace.  Believe me - I never thought I would say such a thing, but I now believe this is true, more than ever!


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