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My Connection with the Guides


Here is a little bit of background information, to start...

Amy began her Growth and Development journey 8 years ago, when the love in her heart exploded from becoming a “Mom” for the first time.  Interesting things started to happen as a result.  She began to see and encounter things beyond the five physical senses.  These experiences created an infinite desire to feed her mind and soul with the truth and knowledge of how and why so many circumstances were beginning to change in her life.  Becoming a life-long, perpetual student of these topics has assisted her in elevating her intuition, maintaining a faithful meditation practice, and ultimately creating a line of communication with her Guides (whom she lovingly refers to as “Lottie.”)  Her Guides have helped her to understand how Earth and Humanity came into existence; how to rise above the programming that we have experienced as a result of our society’s culture and history; how frequency, information, and energy have a strong relationship with our perception and awareness (physical health vs. emotional/spiritual health via the aura and chakras); and how we can empower true magic in our lives by embracing the metaphysical aspects of reality.  Amy strives to share her passion for these subjects with others by sharing her knowledge, personal stories, and life lessons ~ both in her daily interactions, as well as during sessions consulting with her clients.  Her goal is to authentically help others elevate their overall well-being by empowering them with uplifting truth and understanding.






The Guides are a group of  energetic, benevolent light beings from another dimension that have the ability to travel to many dimensions simultaneously.  They are not constrained by time or space.


They do not have physical bodies.   If we were to see them, we would see beautiful dancing light. They can manifest physical bodies if necessary, but prefer not to do so because they must lower their vibrational frequency - which is a more dense, unfavorable state for them.


They are telepathic, and often explain through downloaded "blocks of thought " that humans have the same capabilities -  but we are systematically trained by our society and culturual belief systems that this in an impossible feat.  This belief is changing now, however - and more of humanity is seeking Truth... and in doing so, they are awakening to the discovery that we are so much more than our physical bodies.


The Guides posess the ability to tune into multiple dimensions at one time, and thus have access to infinite knowledge from the universe.  They feel humans are in an urgent and critical period of history, and they are compassionately and willingly providing access to important concepts in order to help humanity evolve, with the intent to reverse some of the damage that has been done to our planet - before it's too late.  They were part of the process of creation, and for many reasons, they are invested in the thriving existence of our planet Earth. 


Their purpose in providing this knowledge is to aid us in claiming our power and bringing peace and joy into our lives.  They do not have negative intent with their interactions with us - as long as we set the intention to be part of the light.


With lots of training and positive intention, Amy has learned to raise her vibration in order to make contact with her Guides.  They are a true blessing with their knowledge and desire to be of assistance to anyone that seeks their guidance.  They are readily available at any given time, and can be accessed with the proper intentions and modalities. They are always so grateful for any interactions with Humanity, and always give messages of love with no intent of harm.

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