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It is important to know that we are not alone in the universe. 

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We consistently have been down-playing the true importance of our interest in/involvement with this phenomenon. 


In just the last few months, I have come to understand so much more about the important relevance of cosmic disclosure as a result of some VERY REAL personal experiences... some of which I never thought would have been possible, EVER.  I have also come to understand that we have not been living alone here on earth - as many different types of extra-terrestrial beings (also respectfully referred to as ET's) have been residing on the planet, without our full knowledge and without interference, for a very long time.  Unfortunately, it is also a fact that both -  benevolent and malevolent ET's - DO exist.  This is how it has to be, as our existence is held in a universe of duality.  If you are reading this, please understand - it is not my intention to discuss this topic and scare people~ but rather to try to open minds up by sharing some of what I have learned - and  help more people to understand and embrace the universal truth. 



Our society has been thoroughly manipulated by the media - which has resulted in a sense of fear and skepticism regarding the concept of life on other planets.  Many of us have become extremely sensitive to this "agenda" on an emotional level (I was previously one of these people, 100%).  It is so important that we try to reverse this way of thinking - we need to know the real story, and learn how to move forward with a mindset of full respect and willingness to live in unity with all life forms, regardless of origin.


As a result of my experiences, I am doing what I can to assist in the movement towards embracing the eventual integration of humans and ET's here on earth.  I am currently implementing ways to present the facts in an accurate and effective fashion, while safely and cautiously trying to avoid being a victim of the "conspiracy theory" mindset.  It is crucial that more and more people understand that we will come together in the near future - and that we have the power to use this merging of life-forces to our fullest advantage. This process has already started!  We MUST begin to increase our awareness now... the recovery of our planet , and all of its abundance depends on it. We must start reversing the years of  damage that we have done, before it is too late.  We have the absolute power to  guide the direction of our future with this knowledge.  The overall message to be absorbed is this... when humanity is more aware and ready to change their perspective from a global standpoint,  big things are going to happen; and a diverse, benevolent collective of  extra-terrestrial beings (overseen by the Galactic Federation of Light) are ready to assist us in the global uplifting of humanity.  


So why should you be open to learning more about this phenomenon?  I can tell you from experience, that making the choice to become more informed about these technologically-advanced, intelligent civilizations that exist in other galaxies and star-systems will awaken something powerful and spiritual within you.  You will start to recover your memories and everything that motivates you... understanding how and where you began life - with respect to where you "are" now.  In seeking and questioning the beginnings of time and humanity, you will begin to exit the monotonous auto-pilot mode of every day life as you know it - and the exploration of these concepts and wanting to know more about them will truly begin to affect every part of your life.  You will work past the hive-mentality of the survival state, you will begin to teach yourself the ways of how to become a better person than you know yourself to be.  This awareness can open you up to so many beautiful possibilities, and it would be my honor to assist you in finding your way to a greater perspective of why we are here, and how we can live in absolute awe of our existence.


If you would like to know more about this topic, please reach out to me  and schedule a private session.  I would be happy to speak with you further about the facts, and help you to access truthful resources and information that guide you to the path forward in this time of positive integration.   





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