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Are there Divine Influences

Present in MY Life?

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Metaphysical concepts, and many aspects of Spirituality, are often misunderstood.  Many people have a belief system in place that allows for the interpretation that communication with intelligent forms of consciousness from other dimensional realities is non-existent.  As a result, the existence of these concepts are dismissed, discouraged, and deemed too “ridiculous” or too “airy-fairy” to be true.  


The reality is that non-physical forces are constantly moving and working “behind the scenes” in our world.  There are many instances of humanity opening up to a higher state of being.  This is very easy to overlook, because these invisible modalities become such a routine part of every day life. 


This translates into the absolute truth that YOU have DAILY interactions with these forms of higher consciousness in a wide variety of ways - without even realizing that it is happening!  Here are some examples of this:


  • Athletes who are focused on the positive outcome of performing a particular play. As a result, they successfully perform the actions needed for the desired outcome…they are in the zone. They are fully in touch with their highest potential.

  • You say something beautiful and amazing to someone - but you had no idea where it came from, or how you knew it was the perfect thing to say.

  • You make a phone call to a loved one, only to hear them say that they were JUST thinking of calling you. 

  • You drive through traffic so alert and aware, that somehow a part of you instinctively knows what all the other drivers are going to do before they do it. 

  • You feel an immediate sense of random inspiration - where you MUST stop whatever you are doing to find something to write on… and then you proceed to create a beautiful piece of artwork… or suddenly the perfect words instantly flow into your mind that result in creation of song lyrics, or a poem that has significant meaning to you or someone close to you.

  • You had a particularly amazing day.  You were just in the flow, it felt like your day was magical and everything unfolded perfectly without any effort on your part.  -(YES! I love days like this!)

Which Higher Power Do You Believe In?

Perhaps you think of your unseen energy as a "soul" or "higher self..." - and that of a greater power as God, Source, Buddah, or another name that resonates with you.   Maybe you question if any type of founding creator actually exists at all? In my lifetime, I have experienced tangible results that there truly is more to life than what you experience with your five physical senses.  I have learned that if you tuly believe in it -  you WILL see it! 


We are readily connected to our higher selves and the energetic source that we truly are. Once we take the time to Tap on, Turn up, and Tune in to this truth, and we embrace and acknowledge those beliefs - the positive results will begin to automatically flow into your life experience!   

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